

Jodidio, Philip

  • Éditeur : Dominique Carré éditeur
  • ISBN 9782373680263
  • Paru le 3 novembre 2016
  • 59,95 $ *

* Les prix de nos produits sont sujets à changements sans préavis.


L'histoire de cette agence d'architectes fondée à Paris en 1973, qui a participé aux courants majeurs de l'architecture de ces années et à l'évolution de l'urbanisme. Cet album montre sa dimension internationale, implantée en Chine et au Moyen-Orient, et analyse ses principales réalisations : la réhabilitation de la Maison de la radio, la Fondation Onassis, ou le Théâtre national du Bahreïn.

Quatrième de couverture

Architecture-Studio was born out of the aesthetic currents that shook the world of architecture in France in the 1970's and 1980's. Since that time, the office has developed considerably, both in France and on the international scene. Today, architects of 25 different nationalities are part of Architecture-Studio, a fact that clearly contributes to the DNA of the office and influences their work. Through the creation of the CA'ASI in Venice in 2011, a kind of open house for young architects and artists, the firm continues to debate and seek new directions for their work. Working with the partners of Architecture-Studio, Philip Jodidio outlines their position on environmental and social issues, but also on the place of architecture in an era of globalization..