
Acts of Service

Fishman, Lillian

  • Éditeur : Random House
  • Collection : Hogarth
  • ISBN 9780593243787
  • Paru le 30 mai 2023
  • 24,95 $ *
  • Anglais

* Les prix de nos produits sont sujets à changements sans préavis.

Biographie de l'auteur.e

Lillian Fishman was born in 1994 and lives in New York. She received her MFA from NYU, where she was a Jill Davis Fellow. Acts of Service is her first novel.

Quatrième de couverture

One evening Eve, a young woman in Brooklyn, posts some nudes online—an impulsive act that transforms everything she understands about her own desires. This is how she meets the unreadable Olivia, and through Olivia the charismatic Nathan. Despite Eve's better instincts, the three soon begin a relationship—one that disturbs Eve as much as it enthralls her.

As their three-way affair unfolds across a cold and glittering New York, Eve must confront the questions that most consume her: What does sex reveal of ourselves, and one another? And how do we reconcile what we want with what our values tell us we should want?

At once juicy and intellectually challenging, sacred and profane, Lillian Fishman’s riveting debut examines the contradictions written all over our ideas of sex and sexuality and what our desires can reveal.