
Jean Dufy: le cirque en majesté

Jacob, Pascal

  • Éditeur : Magellan & Cie
  • Collection : Spectacles vivants
  • ISBN 9782350742458
  • 49,95 $ *
  • Arts

* Les prix de nos produits sont sujets à changements sans préavis.


L'historien du cirque présente et commente toutes les peintures à l'huile, à la gouache ou à l'aquarelle de Jean Dufy inspirées par les cirques parisiens du début du XXe siècle, leurs artistes et leur esthétique.

Quatrième de couverture

The circus is a show, a world of its own and a celebration. This art's frenzied rhythms and vivid colors have inspired painters and sculptors ever since the Enlightenment, during which it was created. From anonymous eighteenth century etchings all the way to Pablo Picasso, this passion for clowns and acrobats has generated countless artworks. During the twentieth century, artists meet and work in the Cirque Médrano. There, Jean Dufy (1888-1964) gave life to a whole cohort of jesters, sparkling jewels on the circular sand tracks. He multiplied his representations, was inspired by the famous horsewomen and trapeze artists, and created, painting after painting, a bountiful and original work of art, yet never shown in its totality. All circus lovers shall discover expressed in this book the passion of a brilliant spectator, who went to the shows for over thirty years.. These paintings invite us to a fabulous journey in the land of swaying circles, they offer a glimpse behind the heavy red velvet curtain, opening a way into infinity and wonder....