
Ready, Set, Get Healthy

Book + My eLab (12 months)

Chevalier, Richard

  • Éditeur : ERPI
  • ISBN 9782761391108
  • Paru le 15 décembre 2018
  • 28,95 $ *

* Les prix de nos produits sont sujets à changements sans préavis.


Get to the point! Ready, Set, Get Healthy! quickly and efficiently summarizes the basics of healthy physical activity and lifestyle habits. With the right tools, success is within your grasp! LEARN, APPLY, SELF-EVALUATE Using a direct tone, effective presentation style and carefully chosen content. Ready, Set, Get Healthy! gives you what you need to know about physical activity and healthy lifestyle choices like no other textbook on the market. Focused on themes indispensable to adopting a healthy lifestyle, this resource invites students to take control of their health. How? First, by integrating regular activity into their agenda, which often triggers a positive chain reaction toward other components: diet, stress, sleep, posture, harmful dependencies.