
Des maisons sur le sable, Tel Aviv : mouvement moderne et esprit Bauhaus

Szmuk-Metzger, Nitza

  • Éditeur : Eclat
  • ISBN 9782841620777
  • Paru le 4 octobre 2004
  • 126,00 $ *
  • Arts

* Les prix de nos produits sont sujets à changements sans préavis.


Une histoire du style international qui a marqué le patrimoine architectural de Tel Aviv. Dans cette ville surgie des sables au début du XXe siècle, des architectes issus du Bauhaus ou des ateliers de Le Corbusier purent construire selon des conceptions entièrement nouvelles. 155 bâtiments de cette époque sont présentés avec de nombreux plans.

Quatrième de couverture

Tel Aviv, having sprung from the dunes at the beginning of the 20th century, would develop in a spectacular manner in the period between the two world wars. A very large number of architects who had studied and worked in Europe - some at the Bauhaus School or with Le Corbusier - established themselves in Tel Aviv in the late 1920s, bringing with them the innovative concepts of contemporary European architecture. Encompassing the surviving elements of Sir Patrick Geddes' garden city model as well as the distilled lines of buildings planned by a new generation of architects, Tel Aviv's « White City » is a veritable open-air museum of Modern Movement and Bauhaus ideals. In July 2003, it was designated by UNESCO a World Heritage Site.. Through its presentation of more than three hundred buildings and brief biographies of the major architects, Dwelling on the Dunes chronicles the history of this epic venture and of the men and women who were its protagonists. In her extensive survey, Nitza Metzger-Szmuk distinguishes different types of buildings, each relating in a specific way to the public space.. This conscious distinction between the public and the private is one of the characteristic features of Modern Movement architecture in Tel Aviv - that Mediterranean metropolis, ever renewing itself along with the flux of its citizens and of the tides that wash its shores..