
Saguenay : a city, a fjord, a river

Caron, Jocelyn

  • Éditeur : GID
  • Collection : Créateurs
  • ISBN 9782896342167
  • Paru le 7 juillet 2014
  • 29,95 $ *
  • Arts

* Les prix de nos produits sont sujets à changements sans préavis.


Saguenay : a City, a Fjord, a River highlights the richness of a spectacular environment and breathtaking majestic landscapes. It explores the Saguenay Region's unique topography, special oceanographic features, amazing biodiversity, untamed, abundant natural phenomena and its heritage-rich villages. This work, intended for a general readership, is inspired by nature and seeks to explore this unique and internationally renowned natural heritage from a historical, scientific and cultural perspective. It also pays tribute to the exceptional human and geological history associated with the region. Located in the heart of Quebec, the Saguenay Region has a distinctive natural history and is full of striking contrasts. Along the Saguenay River, which flows out of Lake Saint-Jean and empties into the St. Lawrence River, there is a succession of rural and industrial landscapes, and the wilderness is never far away from the urban areas. This corridor teeming with life is full of memories, dating from prehistoric times to the present, for the people who live there. Travelling along this corridor is an invitation to relive the history of Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean Region development.

Biographie de l'auteur.e

Ardent promoteur de la culture scientifique, Jocelyn Caron transmet depuis plus de 25 ans sa passion de la région et de ses magnifiques paysages. Ayant à coeur leur mise en valeur et leur protection, il s'intéresse à leur interprétation au moyen, entre autres, de la production d'expositions et de matériel de vulgarisation. Il a écrit, en collaboration, Le lac Saint-Jean : portrait d'une mer intérieure et il a assuré la rédaction du livre Paysages du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean : voir, regarder et découvrir, deux ouvrages primés lors de leur présentation au Salon du livre du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean. A staunch promoter of scientific culture, Jocelyn Caron has been sharing his passion for the region and its magnificent landscapes for over 25 years. He is highly committed to the development and preservation of the region and has been closely involved in interpretative activities, including the production of exhibitions and outreach materials. He is the co-author of Le lac Saint-Jean : portrait d'une mer intérieure and the author of Paysages du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean : voir, regarder et découvrir. Both books won awards at the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean Book Fair.

Quatrième de couverture

Saguenay : a City, a Fjord, a River highlights the richness of a spectacular environment and breathtaking majestic landscapes. It explores the Saguenay Region's unique topography, special oceanographic features, amazing biodiversity, untamed, abundant natural phenomena and its heritage-rich villages. This work, intended for a general readership, is inspired by nature and seeks to explore this unique and internationally renowned natural heritage from a historical, scientific and cultural perspective. It also pays tribute to the exceptional human and geological history associated with the region. Located in the heart of Quebec, the Saguenay Region has a distinctive natural history and is full of striking contrasts. Along the Saguenay River, which flows out of Lake Saint-Jean and empties into the St. Lawrence River, there is a succession of rural and industrial landscapes, and the wilderness is never far away from the urban areas. This corridor teeming with life is full of memories, dating from prehistoric times to the present, for the people who live there. Travelling along this corridor is an invitation to relive the history of Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean Region development.