
Gérard Guyomard

40 ans de peinture

Chalumeau, Jean-Luc

  • Éditeur : Au même titre
  • ISBN 9782912315595
  • 90,00 $ *

* Les prix de nos produits sont sujets à changements sans préavis.


Présente les grandes phases de l'oeuvre du peintre figuratif G. Guyomard qui, depuis ses débuts en 1964, joue de l'assemblage et de la superposition d'images.

Quatrième de couverture

Gérard Guyomard is, according to the 1992 edition of the Grand Larousse Universel, 'one of the most original representatives of French figuration'. His originality has its roots both in the Anarchist spirit, to which the painter has always remained faithful, and in a highly personal painterly technique based on layering.. Since his beginnings in 1964, Guyomard has developed a consciously narrative art and the time has come to take the measure of it, both by means of this book, written by the historian of New Figuration, Jean-Luc Chalumeau, and through a series of exhibitions and retrospectives of his work..