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L'ouvrage relate l'expérience pédagogique et technique consistant à faire réaliser un appartement de Le Corbusier à la Cité de l'architecture et du patrimoine par plus de 1.000 élèves de 2001 à 2007. Cette oeuvre, exposée au palais de Chaillot, fut l'occasion pour les lycéens d'une recherche scientifique et documentaire sur la Cité radieuse de Marseille et sur l'innovation de Le Corbusier.
Pedagogical realisation . Le Corbusier Echelle 1, aims at sharing an exceptional pedagogical experiment : the realisation of a full-size Le Corbusier apartment in the Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine in the Palais de Chaillot, Paris. This split-level flat of a transverse type, from the Cité Radieuse in Marseille, built between 2001 and 2007 by over 1 000 pupils from the Île-de-France area, bears witness to an exemplary collaboration between the French Ministry of Education, the Le Corbusier Foundation and to a partnership with the Calcia cement company. Robert Dulau and Pascal Mory, the one a curator and the other an architect, were adamant that this enterprise to enhance the status of branches of the building profession should be carried out in a spirit that would take account of a sharing of skills and should, throughout the different stages of the project, recognise the work accomplished by the teachers. It was the authors wish also that this full-scale piece of work be the occasion of scientific and documentary research into the circumstances surrounding the construction of the Cité Radieuse in Marseille after the Second World War, thus recalling Le Corbusier's particularly innovative character in matters of town planning, communal living and building techniques. Those two aspects, related to the history of modern architecture and to a collective adventure brought to fruition, go to make up the originality and the strength of this work..