
Lexique bilingue de la mode, français-anglais, anglais-français : 20.000 mots de mode

Beckerig, Vincent

  • Éditeur : Falbalas
  • ISBN 9782918579144
  • Paru le 14 novembre 2012
  • 44,95 $ *
  • Références

* Les prix de nos produits sont sujets à changements sans préavis.


Recense les termes utilisés dans le monde de la mode, des textiles aux accessoires en passant par les métiers de la mode, la conception, la fabrication, la commercialisation, etc.

Quatrième de couverture

Textiles (raw materials, fabrics, different types of weaves, the techniques of the textile industry...)... Clothes (different types of clothing, their details, trimmings and embellishments...)... Accessories (jewellery, hats, shoes, glasses, watches, bags, the materials used to create them, their details, trimmings and embellishments...)... The creation of a collection (the different stages and techniques involved in the creation of a collection from its conception to its presentation on the catwalk...)... Marketing & Business (the techniques, the distribution networks, the different media involved...)... Trades & professions (occupations in different sectors of the fashion industry ; creation, production, communication...)... in around 20 000 French and English words..